Welcome to Copper and Glass

Many years ago there were craftsmen. Men and women who were not only skilled at their chosen profession, but took the time and effort to make something beautiful. Something that inspired admiration, even awe. Blacksmiths, carpenters, stone masons. You see their legacy throughout the world. And there are a few professionals that carry on that tradition.

Copper and Glass is a small piece of the web where I collate and collect the accomplishments of the Technical Craftsman. Specifically the low voltage wiring technicians, the harried Information Technology Systems professional who spends his weekend – and then another to get that rack not just right, but perfect for the new firewall.

It’s the difference between this:

Bad Cable Management

And this:

Good Cable Management

As I find good and bad examples, you’ll see them here.

Good Cable Management

Miscellaneous Good Cable Management

Bad Cable Management

Fix the world – light it up, bring the voice, video and data! But do it right – wrangle the copper and glass into something worthy of admiration, and not a mess locked in a closet.